JUST'forThem - Parce que les kids comptent aussi ! RUN TO KICK 2019 -

by Justine Seleck

JUST'forThem - Parce que les kids comptent aussi ! RUN TO KICK 2019 -
580€ raised

Le cancer pédiatrique est plus rare que le cancer des adultes. La recherche pharmaceutique est, pour cette raison, bien moins financée. Mais il existe !

Pour cette raison, le 29 septembre, je courrai non "just for fun", mais bien "Just'forThem" afin de soutenir l'association "KickCancer". Leur mission :

"Nous voulons guérir le cancer de tous les enfants.

Trouver de nouveaux traitements, améliorer ceux qui existent déjà et shooter une bonne fois pour toutes dans le cancer des enfants pour l’envoyer loin, loin à tout jamais, et qu’il ne revienne plus jamais!"

Il me faut ainsi récolter 200 euros pour valider mon inscription mais je crois en votre générosité pour ces p'tits bouts qui font preuve d'un courage épatant, faisons exploser le plafond <3

— Justine

We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.

Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back!

We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies.

Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.

Today, research is often funded at a national level or through networks. We want to do better. We indeed believe that the most promising projects, wherever they originate from, should be selected and financed. We simply want to find the best projects.

This is why KickCancer is going to launch shortly an open European call for research projects. For such a tender to be successful, we have to mobilise a significant amount of funds in order to make sure that the best (academic) research teams are motivated to participate.

Your donation will help increase the amount from KickCancer in that call. This call for project will be launched in the course of 2019 and we hope that it will raise the ambition of European researchers to a new exciting level in the field of paediatric oncology.

Donations (18)

18 magic donors are supporting "JUST'forThem - Parce que les kids comptent aussi ! RUN TO KICK 2019 -"
40 €
Marie-Astrid  —  5 years ago

Super initiative pour soutenir et rendre encore plus fort nos héros des couloirs d'oncologie pédiatrique! Go on !

10 €
Didier  —  5 years ago
30 €
Anonymous  —  5 years ago
95 €
Catherine  —  5 years ago
25 €
Sandrine  —  5 years ago
40 €
Jeanne  —  5 years ago

Bravo déjà ma JuJu et plein de petits coeurs en plus

40 €
Sebastien  —  5 years ago

Gogogo Juju :) Bisous, Elise & Seb

30 €
Stephanie  —  5 years ago
5 €
Phil  —  5 years ago
40 €
Bastien  —  5 years ago
10 €
Geneviève  —  5 years ago
30 €
Alice  —  5 years ago
20 €
Ju  —  5 years ago
40 €
Pou  —  5 years ago

Pour tous les petits choux et leurs familles qui se battent ! GO GO GO notre Juju. Belle initiative ?❤️ ( et calmos à ton mariage la veille ?) Pou & Mumi

45 €
Nathalie  —  5 years ago